Australian National Institute of Management and Tenchnology Australia

Australian National Institute of Management and Technology (ANIMT) is traded under Training Organisation NSW Pty. Ltd. At ANIMT, our mission is to deliver quality education that will equip our students with required knowledge and skill set to embark into the current workforce.

Currenly we are only offering Diploma of Business course and have a unique and convenient pathway program in place with Articulation to University of Southern Queensland(USQ). In future, we hope to include couple more courses like Hospitality Management and Information Technology(IT).

Year of Establishment

Training Organisation NSW Pty Ltd has been in the vocational education industry since April 2015, with a commitment to provide educational services in a professional and supportive environment to students on a path to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Training Organisation NSW has been approved to deliver Diploma of Business nationally.

Training Organisation NSW Pty Ltd trading as Australian National Institute of Management and Technology (ANIMT) extends its services to overseas students at Level 6, 460 Church Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150.

Training Organisation NSW is an Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO) operating under the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework.

This is a regulated framework which is administered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Registration details of Training Organisation NSW can be located on the National Register for VET.

Training Organisation NSW delivers Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications which are drawn from Australian National Training Packages and recognised within Australia and internationally. National training Package qualification are developed by Industry Skills Councils in consultation with industry bodies, regulators, training providers and other stakeholders.

ANIMT is required to maintain registration with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) to offer services to overseas students. All CRICOS registered training providers are regulated by ASQA under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 (ESOS Act 2000) and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 20018 (the National Code).

Institution type
Campus Address

Level 6, 460 Church Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150.

Courses for academic collaboration
BSB50215 – Diploma of Business
Duration: 68 weeks
AQF Level

Australian Qualifications Framework Level 5

Entry Requirements

ANIMT has in place admission criteria for courses in its scope as required by its ‘Application and Enrolment Procedure for VET Courses’ to ensure that candidates meet industry requirements.

All international students applying to enter a course with ANIMT must:

  • be over the age of 18
  • An overall IELTS band 5.5 or equivalent and above (Acceptable English Test Score)
  • Have completed an Australian year 12 equivalent secondary schooling level of a school certificate.
  • Meet the Student Visa 500 subclass requirements. Click Here
  • Exceed minimum pass level in all three sections of Course Entry Requirement Test (CERT) -Diploma Entry Requirement Test.
    • Course Entry Requirement Test (CERT) has 3 sections. Section 1 checks your knowledge and experience in Business. Section 2 tests your analytical ability based on the standards of Law School Admissions Test ( Last section checks numerical skills following the standards of Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (
Pathway Information Pathways FROM the qualification

After achieving this qualification, Candidates may progress to higher level qualifications within and/or across the business sector including BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business or a range of other Advanced Diploma qualifications.

Course Structure

Total Number of Units: 8

Number of Core Units: 0

Number of Elective Units: 8

  • 2 units from Group C of BSB50215
  • 3 units from Group B of BSB50215
  • 2 units from Group E of BSB50215
  • 1 unit from BSB Training Package

Elective units are relevant to the work environment, and the qualification maintains the integrity of the AQF alignment and contributes to a valid industry-supported vocational outcome.

Units of Competency
Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes Elective
BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Elective
BSBADM502 Manage meetings Elective
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development Elective
BSBADM504 Plan and implement administrative systems Elective
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development Elective
BSBRSK501 Manage risk Elective
BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace Elective
Duration and Amount of Training

The Volume of Training for Diploma of Business is 1-2 years. As a component of this, the amount of training provided in this instance of course delivery is 1200 hours.
This program is a full-time course completed over a period of 68 weeks (including Holidays)

  • Total number of terms- 4 (60 weeks/ 1200 hours)
  • Total number of term breaks- 4 (8 weeks)

The courses are delivered in a classroom environment and conducted face-to-face in Training sessions are trainer led in group sizes of no more than 25 students.

Beside the class hours, student also has to set aside 2 hours per week for studies at home (however this amount may vary depending on student’s capabilities)

The training program is undertaken using a planned schedule. Training sessions will include the demonstration, explanation and practice.
In addition to face-to-face learning, students will also complete self-paced study to assist them in building their professional knowledge and undertake work toward their assignments.
Students will typically attend formal training sessions three to four working days per week depending on the course. Each day has scheduled training over 4 to 8 hours, depending on the course of study.
Students will usually have two weeks of break between terms. However, the term breaks may also be divided in two 1-week breaks and put between delivery of a unit. It may happen to cover Christmas break. Beside the term breaks, student will also enjoy some Govt holidays e.g. Australia Day. If a govt. holiday falls on a class day, trainer may require the students to attend a make-up class on another business day or on a Saturday/Sunday.

Current Total Enrollment
Current International Enrollment
Mr Shaz Mohd